E xtend PowerPoint : Sometimes PowerPoint doesn’t have the feature you need to complete your task.

That could take you many eye-straining minutes, but with a PowerPoint VBA it takes around a second. Let’s say you have 100 slides and you need to unhide all hidden objects across all those slides. A utomate PowerPo int: If you ever find yourself repeating the same task over and over again, VBA could be your new best friend.PowerPoint VBA provides you with a way to do one of two things using macros and add-ins: It’s included with your installation of Office by default ( unless your system administrator has deactivated it ). Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a programming environment for Microsoft Office applications. This article explains how to grab the code from our articles and use it in your PowerPoint project, so that you can take your productivity to the next level! What is VBA? We publish free PowerPoint VBA code snippets here in our blog for you to use and also offer a PowerPoint automation service.

One of the ways we do this is by using VBA code to automate and extend the functionality of PowerPoint. Here at BrightCarbon we’re always looking for new ways to improve our own PowerPoint productivity and then share that knowledge with the presentation community (that includes you, by the way!).